
TUM Executive MBA Alumni Association e.V.

The TUM Executive MBA Alumni Association is the international platform for graduates of all programs of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning as well as for partners and sponsors of continuing education programs. Our goal is to maintain existing contacts, to create opportunities for networking for former and current participants of the courses and to increase the transfer of knowledge on current, highly relevant topics from business and society. Because in the sense of the idea of lifelong learning, we do not see the completion of a continuing education study program as the end, but as beginning of a distinctive exchange of knowledge and experiences.
Are you a graduate of a continuing education program at the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning? You can join our alumni association here:

Get to know our Board:

  • Niklas Manhart

    Our Alumni Association creates a unique opportunity for lifelong learning and growth. I am happy to support this vibrant and strong community of professionals.

    Niklas Manhart
    Niklas Manhart, Executive MBA | 2nd Chairperson of the Board
  • Arndt Kresin

    Lifelong learning does not end with the completion of a degree or continuing education program. Through our association, we maintain contacts, renew our knowledge in the spirit of lifelong learning and thus create inspiration for new concepts.

    Arndt Kresin
    Executive MBA | 1st Chairperson of the Board
  • Susanne Mader

    Access to knowledge and personal development are now more important than ever to ensure the success of a company. That is why I am happy to support any form of continuing education, also in our Alumni Association.

    Susanne Mader
    Executive MBA | 3rd Chairperson & Treasurer

Associated Members of the Board

  • Gabriel Elmer

    Being part of the Alumni Association is the logical post-program step to foster relations and learnings of the active studies. Every network is as strong as its members are. As a coopted member of the Alumni Board, I want to contribute with my work to motivate fellow students and Alumni to engage in and initiate own alumni networking actions.

    Gabriel Elmer
    Executive MBA | Associated Member of the Board
  • Peter So

    As a transplant from California, I choose to participate actively in the Alumni Association in order to engage with the network of individuals from the university and to promote the exchange of experiences, opportunities, and connections, especially in the areas of lifelong professional learning and personal development.

    Peter So
    Executive MBA in Business & IT | Associated Member of the Board

Alumni Events & Networking

Become part of our community: Stay up to date on information about upcoming events as well as take the opportunity and network with other participants and alumni of the Executive & Professional Education programs.

Info Sessions


Oct | 2024

On-Site Evening Info Session


Oct | 2024
9:30 am - 2:00 pm

Access MBA Fair | Executive MBA Programs

Meet our EMBA Program Management Team at the Access MBA Fair.

Alumni News

  • sustainability, Certificate Programs, Management

    Behavioral economics: more sustainability at home and at work

    Many New Year’s resolutions may include the desire to make daily life more sustainable – both from a personal and professional aspect. What exactly does this mean? And what steps can be helpful in changing your own behavior? In this interview with Prof. Dr. Goerg, you will gain insights into research from the field of behavioral economics and the key topic of sustainability.

  • Networking, Executive Education, Leadership

    A Journey of Commitment, Learning, and Lifelong Bonds: Stories from Our EMBA & Master’s Graduates

    In every cohort, we witness inspiring stories of transformation and growth. This time we said our farewells to the Class of 2022 and Class of 2023, a group of driven individuals, who embarked on a journey of knowledge, self-discovery, and personal development. Silvia Hilpert, Fabrizio Nisi, Magdalena Süß, and Victoria Dalceno José Pedro, now graduates of […]

  • Uncategorized

    Impressions from the recent Learning from Leaders Event – Quantum Technologies and their Impact on Business

    Do Quantum Technologies already have the potential to fundamentally impact our everyday lives? Will there be a “ChatGPT moment” with this complex technology? These questions, among others, were the focus of the latest ‘Learning from Leaders’ event on Quantum Technologies. We were pleased to  welcome more than 50 guests to this event.


With the Christoph-Herrlich-Scholarship, the Alumni Association supports applicants and students of the Executive & Professional Masters programs of the Technical University of Munich every year, who are particularly talented and in need. The funding is dedicated to our Alumni Association member Christoph Herrlich, who tragically lost his life during the attack on Breitscheidplatz, Berlin in 2016. With the scholarship in his name, we want to preserve his memory as former fellow student and friend.
A large part of the association’s membership fees (€70 per person and annually) go into the scholarship. All members and board members are involved on a voluntary basis.

Here you can find out more about the scholarship and the application:

Membership application for the Alumni Association

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