Applied AI for technical innovation

  • English
  • Munich
  • On Campus
  • 09.09.24
  • 5 days in 1 week
  • 4,400€ €

Insights into a Key Enabling Technology

The certificate program combines theoretical knowledge, academic use cases, and concrete applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in different industries, emphasizing Trustworthy AI Principles.

This certificate program will be part of the program “The European Leadership Program for Industrial Scientist: Enabling Science & Technology Impact Across Industries” which will be launched in August 2025. This Executive Program brings together senior industrial specialists & scientists from industry with leading professors and researchers from the most highly ranked technical universities in Europe (DTU, CTU, TalTech, EPFL, TU/e, l’X, TUM) to catalyze the development of leadership in the field of Key Enabling Technologies and thereby strengthen the competitiveness of European industries of tomorrow. More information will follow soon. If you have questions right away, feel free to contact us directly.

Have a first look at our agenda and course content here!

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Why this program?

Benefit from the strong network of European technical universities

The certificate program Applied AI for technical innovation was developed within the EuroTeQ alliance by the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Technical University of Munich (TUM), and AppliedAI, the German expert for applying AI in industry. The EuroTeQ alliance offers a unique and valuable certificate program experience, combining international collaboration, quality assurance, cross-cultural exposure, networking opportunities, and recognition to participants.

Bridging AI Hubs from Prague to Munich

The program spans Monday to Tuesday in Prague, focusing on theoretical input and academic use cases, with Wednesday dedicated to traveling to Munich while engaging in a case study. Thursday and Friday are reserved for concentrated sessions on applying AI to industry and understanding regulations in Munich.

  • Prague has all the key ingredients of an important AI hub: well-established university education and research programs, promising startups, experienced vendors, global corporations, active communities, and investors ready to support bold ideas. Prague offers excellent AI research and business talent that makes a global footprint and operates in a supportive environment fostered by many institutions, including CTU.
  • Munich has become an AI hub because its strong academic institutions, like TUM, are renowned for AI research. The city’s ecosystem fosters collaboration between academia, industry, and government, promoting innovation in AI. Munich attracts top AI talent globally, which is supported by its vibrant tech scene and favorable policies. The city’s dynamic startup culture and networking events further contribute to its status as a prominent center for AI development and innovation.

Empowering European Leadership in Key Technologies

This executive program brings together senior industrial specialists & scientists from industry with leading professors and researchers from the most highly ranked technical universities in Europe to catalyze the development of leadership in the field of key enabling technologies and thereby strengthen the competitiveness of European industries of tomorrow.

What you will learn

Our program offers a comprehensive exploration of the following areas: 

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Gain multifaceted comprehension of AI, covering its applications and evolving principles.
  • Proficiency in Recognition: Develop proficiency in recognizing AI’s broad scope, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning.
  • Exploration of Use Cases: Explore academic and industrial AI use cases across domains like computer vision and robotics.
  • Skills in Discernment: Develop skills in discerning AI’s regulatory landscape and effectively communicating AI concepts.
  • Inspiration for Entrepreneurship: Be inspired to embark on entrepreneurial endeavors leveraging AI’s transformative power through engaging presentations, workshops, and community immersion.


  • Graduation: After completing the course, you will receive a certificate of participation from the Technical University of Munich and the Czech Technical University.
  • Academic Responsibility: tba
  • Access Requirements: You should have a Master’s degree, preferably a PhD, along with research experience from academia or industry. Moreover, having an endorsement from an executive management member would be advantageous for your training. Furthermore, a profound understanding of your organization’s technologies or expertise in a specialized area within the research and development domain is essential.
  • Dates: 9-13 September 2024
  • Application deadline: 10.08.2024
  • Location: Prague & Munich
  • Language: English
  • Target Group: The target group are senior specialists and scientists (also often referred to as “Knowledge Principals”) as well as domain experts from industry and research. Potential participants play a vital part in fostering innovation, driving technological advancements, and maintaining a competitive edge on behalf of their organization. The collaboration and synergy among these roles are crucial for the success of R&D efforts and the overall growth of the company. Participants could have roles such as:
    • Senior Specialists (R&D)
    • CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
    • Deep Knowledge Experts (Director Titles with Staff Responsibility)
    • Knowledge Holders
    • CEL (Corporate Entrepreneurial Leadership)
    • Technical founders of companies
    • High-Potentials and mid-career R&D experts
  • Program Fee: 4,400 € instead of 5,000 € - pilot discount
    2,200 € to be paid to TUM and 2,200 € to be paid to CTU instead of 2,500 € each
  • Travel arrangements: Please book your trip to Prague and Munich and the hotels only after consultation with the program management.

*Based on our experience, the German tax benefits help many of our participants to self-finance their education as these can be worth of up to 50% of tuition fees and program related travel costs. Please, consult your personal tax advisor for more details. For participants of our programs residing outside Germany this might be applicable, please check the situation with the local tax authorities in your country of residence.  


  • Paula González Avalos, Applied AI
  • Kaeleigh Fletcher, Applied AI
  • Dr. Boris P. Paal, M.Jur. , TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology


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